It was a long day. First a trip out to the Western General for a long-standing appointment for a routine echo-cardi. I arrived early and they called me straight in, only leaving even more time to kill in Stockbridge than even the charity shops could deal with. So I wandered up to and around the Dean Gardens. Not many floors out yet, just a few Iris stylosa and some drifts of tiny cyclamen that the gardeners have managed to protect from the dugs. It was mercifully free from the latter, probably because it was raining, but I suddenly remembered that my cast isn't supposed to get wet so tucked it into my jacket.
Then, onwards! On a no 24 out to the RIE - first time for me, what a weird route! (Today is an unguided tour of Embra's major hospitals, folks.) Re-run of last week's appt at the fracture clinic, apart from an hours extra waiting time and the non-appearance of the legendary lightweight cast that had been promised. Pah. Shall just have to apply some gaffer tape to the original one....shall I ever play the banjo again?
When I eventually got back to Leith Mr H had prepared a delicious meal and I realised that I needed to drink a certain amount of wine.
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