East Lothian view

I headed North away from Jim and Liz's today, and I am always amazed at the beauty of the countryside in East Lothian, especially on cold, bright wintry mornings like this. I kept on having to pull in to the side of the road to look at the trees, fields and sky.

In fact, I wanted to go really slowly, and pulled in to let the local Post Office van pass. Then I passed him, while he was emptying a post box. Then I had to pull in to let him pass again, and so it continued until the main road. By the final pass, we exchanged cheery waves before we went our separate ways at the junction.

You know, this journey gets worse each time - I find it really hard not to keep stopping for a sleep/cup of coffee/walk with the dog. And, I am SO tired when I get home; then, there's the car to unpack, then the bags to unpack, then the fire to light.....

I do so love to visit family and friends, but I do so love to get home.

I plan to do nothing much in the morrow.

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