Capital adventures

By marchmont

Pot of gold?

Don't all rush.  I'm sure it's gone by now. 

I got home after 11 last night from the Chinese banquet, in a Malaysian restaurant.  The news of the legal action and the demos in the US had come though.  I caught up with the Holocaust Day edition of 'Antiques Roadshow'.  It was shown last Sunday, before Trump's latest outrage. It made sad viewing in the light of Friday's events. The stories about the atrocities and privations that people, still alive, suffered because of prejudice and ignorance and meglomania and the valiant efforts of British people to bring child refugees to the UK on the kindertransports are such a contrast to what this President of the US is doing now.  It is reported that the Statue of Liberty has tears running down her cheeks. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

And last night's woeful response from the leader of our Government. What is the world coming to?  I despair. 

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