In Snowy's Garden

We have had a funny day weather wise.  This morning it bucketed down with rain, and this afternoon it has cleared to be beautiful, warm and sunny.

I met hildasrose and SHH at Snowy's garden.  We were treated to a cuppa, and her famous 'Shortbread' biscuits. When the sun came out we had a stroll around her garden, and we each chose the best spot to get our day's blip.  The extra is of Snowy and hildasrose studying the photos they have just taken.  SHH looking on.

I went to church this morning, another good crowd there, even though our Minister is away on Annual Leave.  The hymn for today is 'Count Your Blessings'.

Wishing you happy travels, and enjoy the rest of your holiday in NZ.  It was a real pleasure to meet you hildasrose and SHH.

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