Build your own caravan

It's not a great picture today, I snapped it on the way back from our afternoon walk - I've been eying this picture up for a few days as a good picture of the day.  Slightly annoyed that I didn't get a better picture - actually very annoyed. 

The gypsies are still at the roundabout at the end of our road, they've moved to the other side of the roundabout now (there are two, they like them like that round here).  The grazing is getting low for the horses they have, so every day we wonder if they will still be there.  Anyway, the caravan in the middle is a work in progress and we've been watching it being built over the past couple of weeks, every day there is a little more to it, it's quite impressive really watching the family build himself a new caravan - you can see the trails on the front for the horses to pull the caravan. 

The little boy deserves a special mention today as he walked such a long way, probably about 2km - and protested at being put back in his push chair as we reached the road.  Well done that little boy. 

In other news, we had a power cut this evening, in Zim we were quite used to it, not so here and we kind of looked of each other for a few minutes as if to say, what on earth do we do now.... Out with the camping gas and a quick supper of pasta was conjured up.  The oven was off limits as there was an almost roasted chicken in there and thankfully the power came back on after about an hour and tomorrow's dinner is sorted.   

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