Penguin Spotting

I worked this morning and then headed off in the van this afternoon.  It is the last weekend before school officially starts so I thought I'd take the chance of a break before things get the usual version of crazy busy again.

When I was almost in Timaru I realised I hadn't put my outdoor chair back in the van after using it last weekend at Gibbston.  I couldn't be bothered going home for it so I stopped and bought a new one.  Of course half an hour down the road the weather clouded over and it started raining heavily.  

Hours later, it's still raining.  It doesn't look like I'll be needing the chair this weekend!

Late this aftertnoon I went to a different penguin spotting beach that I'd heard about.  I saw and photographed a couple of yellow-eyed penguins but the photos are nothing startling so I thought I'd blip the beach itself instead - and that weather rolling in.  Within minutes of taking this I was drenched, and the viewing hide was full of people, so that was the end of my penguin spotting.

This is Bushy Beach, just over the headland from Oamaru.  I believe there have been many penguins here in the past, but they contracted diptheria last year and it took out most of the colony.  I do hope it regenerates.

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