Just the Withers......

By JaneW

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Vegetables .... our three rabbits (only two in shot) will be the death of me ... rabbits have to be the hardest work ever .. unless you are a cruel person who keeps them in a tiny hutch prison .... ANYWAY... Rambo the grey one has been beaten up repeatedly by Mason (who is now in his own shed and run) and it's cost us £100 in seeing vets and getting medicine .. I must face facts that Mason wonder rabbit does not like other male rabbits ... Mason prefers the cats and the dogs .. Foxy-chick the white rabbit is a bit scared of Mason too ... I swear to goodness and a bag of maltesers that if I knew how prickly and also delicate rabbits were I would NEVER EVER EVER have rescued them...
Mason has taken to using the cat flaps and letting himself in and out of the house ... I know this as I find 'evidence ' ......

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