Sparrow Hawk

So many grateful thanks for lovely comments and stars for this journal and my portrait journalIt is just taking far too long to do very much – last night took 5 hours to sort and load…tonight is very much the same.
We went out and found more wildlife today and met some lovely people who let me photograph them.  First thing we saw was a nilgae (the bluebull/antelope) drinking in a pond.  Sadly, further along the road was one that had been killed so we decided to go back tonight to watch for scavengers – desert fox and jackal.  As we got abreast of it we nearly hit another bluebull and his doe who had come to sniff things out – a bit like elephants who don’t leave their dead alone. However it proved too dangerous to park beside the road without lights so we gave that up.   My day is here
The entries for DS65 were up to the usual high standard and I hope you will forgive the sparse comments.  My hearts go to:
wharfedaleBexfor the old summerhouse bach with its gorgeous views
Teasel's gentle grave stone
Seasidesusie for another room with a view
60plus for the gently sliding swiss barn
ceridwen's ceridwen’s potential holiday home when the rusty barn gets a make over

This coming Sunday should be tagged DS66

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