late afternoon

The day started bright and after doing some dressmaking I did a bit of gardening, thinking I'd take a photo in the afternoon when I was out.
I'd just started eating some toasted cheese when the phone went to say my hospital appointment for this afternoon had to be postponed as the machine needed had broken down, and also that the subsequent treatment wouldn't be starting for another 2 and a half weeks - after Mr Rat has left for a trip to Ghana. He didn't book until we had a reasonable idea of timings and thought that it should be about finished by the time he went. The dept head didn't seem at all sympathetic to the fact we'd really hoped for a start next week and that there had been system delays in getting appointments (and that it was now possibly causing a problem with a visit to my 92yr old mother which had already been put off twice).
I contacted the Consultant's office and the secretary spoke to him, medically he's not concerned but she will see if the dept can be persuaded to move things forward just a few days - but didn't hold out much hope.
It's all very frustrating, it was all supposed to be over with by now and now I'm looking at mid-March before I can get on with my life. Some of the delays have been inevitable but about 2 weeks of them were not, patience is not my strong point!
I had to go out anyway to deliver something but this was later and by then it had clouded over.

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