Quick walk
A day in the office, an evening at school. Just enough time to get some steps in by taking the long walk 'round to Booths to get some food for the kids' supper.
We've moved onto a new regime, this week, which I am a little unprepared for, but fortunately Milly was around to cook for and feed Dan and Abi while I attend to more gubernatorial matters. (The new system means I'll have Dan and Abi Monday and Tuesday when it's coming up to my weekend and then Wednesday and Thursday the following week. We're hoping this will be more settled for them.)
It's been said before many times, I'm sure, so I won't labour the point but one of the real benefits of the Fitbit is instilling this urge to get steps in every day.
Diet news
-2.9kg The Minx's theory that you pay the price for any excess two days after the event appears to be true, at least in this case.
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