Snow Family

I spent most of this morning working on and then recording the radio show. It was a David Bowie special and I was a little nervous about doing it. Whilst I know a bit about Bowie - especially the period around the Berlin Trilogy - I'm not an authority and I didn't want to get it wrong. In the end, though, I stuck to what I knew and I was pretty pleased with the results,

I had planned to go for a swim, today, but in the end I decided I'd rather go for a walk with the Minx, so we did yesterday's route in reverse. As we turned down towards the canal at Fredericks, we saw this little snow family in the garden.  I'm not going to get all Buddhist on you - not today, anyway - but I like this because building a snowman is such a transitory pleasure. In was a good reminder to enjoy the moment, and I did :-)

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