There was cake

Today I got officially a bit older. It was a mixed day.

I woke up super early (before 5.30 at any rate...) and was too awake to fall back to sleep. So I took the time to make a proper cup of coffee. It was very satisfying.

Then a wave of the sad and mopey - thinking about my mother who is no longer with us amongst other things. Even to the point of not wanting to head to work. But saying cheerio to P still made me feel like the luckiest person to have him in my life.

Work was OK. Mostly busy. We have been trying to have a meeting on a Thursday afternoon recently. It went fine... although it was finished with fire and cake. It's weird... we've had a load of birthdays recently, but I'm the only one people have tried to burn with flaming chocolatey goodness. Certainly goes to make me feel special.

Home was great too: food, cake and cuddles on the couch. There was also a soft ban on looking at my phone, so some proper time out (apart from being on call - although the phone hasn't rang yet).

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