Dawn and A Bit More Colour

One cannot complain about the weather today ... (not after yesterday) ... It started off colourful and progressively got finer ... (although it was, however, a bit on the cold side) ... :o)
I took this early morning shot between deliveries with just my basic (old) "emergency" pocket camera ... The camera itself still seems to be taking reasonable pictures, but it doesn't have the manual control abilities of my other two ... also, it was playing me up a bit today, with the screen going blank at random and the lens retracting intermittently ... To be honest, it's had it's fair share of use and taken a few knocks in it's lifetime, but it would be nice if it could last just a while longer ... I have recently brought a newer pocket camera, but I don't want to knock it about at work just yet ... I like to keep it good for taking on holiday and more general use ... :o)

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