Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Calm seas

Poured the fresh resin mix for the harbour at Port Appin.  Almost a calamity!

First of all I shouldn't have mixed it in the house because it stinks!  Secondly I should have worn gloves because now my fingers are sticking together although that in itself isn't a big problem, it will probably improve my breast stroke. But most important of all, I should have used one of my walking sticks  when I was carrying the unused resin out to the bin.  I caught the door drip rail with the front of my slipper and without a stick for balance had to leap over the step to avoid doing a full lutz.  Bloody Nora, that hurt!  but I didn't spill a drop.  Just have to wait and see what muscular pains manifest themselves as the evening progresses.  Unfortunately my carer says I've used up all of my brownie points.

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