Peak Hour - Town Hall

A busy day.
Over to Macquarie Park first thing, to drop off the camera for an adjustment, then to Apple's Broadway store to restore email access.
Don't ask!
Apple support isn't what it was, and it's quite hard to organise an appointment, so I thought if I just fronted up, looked pathetic and then burst into tears, I might be lucky.
I was.

This afternoon I took the train into Wynyard, which has been revamped.
It's not Grand Central, but a big improvement, though it's a great shame the wooden escalators have gone:((
I did enjoy the new walkway from Wynyard to Barrangaroo.
It's a photographers' dream.
Great lines, distortions and plenty of people.
Something for everyone.
I've added an extra of a section of the walkway, which I considered for the MonoMonday theme, but it was too long a bow.

In the end I preferred the busyness of Town Hall Station.

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