A little bit more Fringe

Fringe show #46: Fat Kitten vs. the world
Fat Kitten must have the best name in improv. I love kittens. In this show, Fat Kitten are up against another improv troop in a 'who does the best improv?' competition. Fat kitten won, although on this occasion I preferred the other lot. An amusing hour, not the best I've ever seen but fine.
Rating: 3*

Fringe show #47: The Mysterious World Of Clovis Van Darkhelm
A strange hour of a 'lecture' by an anthropologist and paranormal investigator who told us about some of his work. It should have been painful and it was maybe not quite as excruciating as it could have been in places. However, the random interjections from the dead war poets with their updated material was excellent, and the squirting Mongolian death worm that loved David Cameron was one of the funniest things I've seen.
Rating: 3.5*

Fringe show #48: Facehunters
Facehunters is a musical based around The Picture of Dorian Gray, that takes the piss out of pretentious arseholes and comments on the nature of youth, beauty, friendship and love. The singing and dancing were excellent, at least as good as many of the touring professional musicals we get at the Edinburgh Playhouse. It was extremely aesthetic, with lovely costumes and makeup. Funny in places, and extremely dark in others. The show had two sub-plots which never really came together, and it was let down by some dodgy sound management meaning you could not always hear the leads properly. Overall very good though.
Rating: 4*

Fringe show #49: Idiots of Ants ANThology
I have been following Idiots of Ants for a number of years now and I was sad they were not doing a full Fringe run this time. Just a few night with a 'best of' show. As ever it was excellent, Idiots of Ants are such a slick act. Very funny. Easily the best sketch act I have seen. Shame it wasn't new material but was glad to see the wii fencing sketch again (and sorry they didn't include the swingers party).
Rating: 4.5*

MrsCyclops recommends:

- Facehunters
- Idiots of Ants ANThology

Fringe stats:

- Total shows: 49
- Total cost: £116.50
- Average cost per show: £2.38

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