Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lunch in town

For the first time in six months, I took Archie out for his walk in the morning. JR has been doing it without complaint since my first knee operation in July. She had been out with her ex-colleagues last night and was home rather late...

I'm not quite ready to take him walks, though, as he sometimes pulls on the lead, which makes it awkward with my walking stick. And progress (of sorts) - I can now bend down enough to pick up doggie poos!

Elizabeth came to take him out, and what a smashing day it was too. More clear blue skies, no wind - perfect. Being dog-less we decided to take a jaunt into town, perchance for lunch.

BUT... I could not find my new Bus Pass! I used it yesterday, but it's not in my bus pass pouch. Bother! But I knew I still had the temporary pass, so where was that? Yes, in the rubbish bin (fortunately the bedroom bin, not the big kitchen bin). And it had been ripped up (by JR). Every other docket (and the bin was full of 'em) was intact, but the still valid Bus Pass was in pieces! Yes, I pieced it together with sellotape, and by folding it over to only show the dates, it didn't matter about the missing pieces. All this to save £3? Absolutely ridiculous!

Anyway, we headed down to the Grassmarket, which is lovely on a nice day. Not so lovely on a Saturday night, I have heard, because of the area being a favourite of stags and hens in the many pubs.

We popped in for lunch to a wee place with nice vibes - been before. Though the toilet is two floors up a spiral staircase, so just as well I didn't need to go.

And so we missed the sunny city vistas, just caught the last of the sun on the castle. Check out the joke shop window in extras. And we also missed a dog show in the Grassmarket.

Archie had a super day, of course. Into town to visit E's office, then walked from town right up Blackford Hill via THE STEPS. This is a very frightening set of hundreds dozens of steps. Very fit people jog up them. I remember going up them once many years ago, and I did not jog. Fantastic views over the city. In fact, Janet has just sent me photos of Bailey up the Hill. It's a shame that Archie and Bailey didn't meet up, because they're very sweet when they spot each other from afar.

Many thanks for the advice re scones. It seems everybody has their favourite fail-proof recipe. I even had emails from friends with their scone recipes. I may have the urge to try them again. Thing is, I then eat them all, especially if they're too ugly to serve to visitors.

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