
A million years ago when dinosaurs bestrode the boggy swamps I went to catering college. I left school at 16 with a couple of "O" levels so I needed to find a way of avoiding the world of work for a bit longer and two years learning how to cook seemed as good a plan as any. Lots of things have changed since then including the invention of colour and metrication but I can still cook - albeit only very fattening stuff and often using far too much cream. Today I've not done much but I had some smoked haddock so I decided to cook kedgeree. I've not made it that often since leaving college but I have half a dozen recipe books and a good long-term memory so here it is. The key components are the smoked haddock, brown basmati, curry powder, hard-boiled eggs, peas and lots of butter and love. It was rather scrummy!

Sorry that it's another food blip - I'll try to leave the house tomorrow to get you an outdoors blip (but don't hold your breath if it's still cold and wet out there).

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