I've ...
...lost heart with this pic. What happened was, it was the mirror image of yesterday's painting. I put a cartridge sheet on top of yesterday's wet painting in the early stages of it. And I thought oh goody when I saw the result, because lots of things suggested themselves, namely drawing on it with my black Edding pens.
The manufacturer says once these Inktense Blocks are dry, they are permanent, so you can work on top of them.
When I tried to draw with my Edding pen, it clogged up almost immediately, and the tip is wrecked. And the dry paint rubbed off on to my hands as I worked.
I googled. Found some reviews. And other users said they were not permanent once dry on paper. Also people thought the colours were muddy (which I was half thinking by this time). There were other criticisms too.
But since I am doing a painting/drawing a day for 2017, I am not binning this picture, and it will have to be my pathetic offering for today. I used the Inktense Blocks by this time much like pastels and this is the best I am going to be able to do. You will see my worst pics this year as well as hopefully my good ones.
I had been looking forward to doing a fantasy drawing in this, and it has been a waste of a day and frustrating. By the time you read this, those rubbish Inktense Blocks will be at the bottom of my wheelie bin and I will have thrown rubbish on top of them. So there will be no retrieval of them...
So I think I will tag this for admirer's Silly Saturday as well...silly in that manufacturers make silly claims for their products which entices you to buy them, and then you find later it doesn't do what it says in pamphlet or box. Okay I could complain, but I am happiest binning them, forgetting about them and moving on to something new.
So, a bright new day tomorrow with something brilliant...I have no idea what yet...
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