A Compact & Bijou Home In The Country, Eccles

At last it's Saturday - the first full week back at work was a bit of a struggle as I felt tired and irritable for most of it - don't quite know why.
Today started with the usual short run before breakfast and then I decided to have a light snooze - a bad idea as I woke up feeling very woolly headed. So, it was time to get off my arse, get some fresh air and take some photographs. I even retreived my tripod from the cupboard under the stairs (it's been sorely neglected for too long!) and persuaded my brother to carry it for me, with a promise of a pint at half way! The gentle slopes under the North Downs near where we live are being slowly taken over by vines so today's extra shot is of the slightly more mature ones (by then the sun had come out and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. However, when we got to the pub there were a few very noisy, exuberant little devils running around throwing balloons at each other so we only had the one drink.
Today's main shot was taken on the way back. I liked the incongruity of the toy house stuck in the middle of this field. The massive structure in the background is the deceased old paper mill, which will, of course, be pulled down for yet more housing. The area around where I live is changing faster than at any time I can remember and I want to try and record it as it changes.

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