Wish I felt so Peachy

It isn't as warm as yesterday but still a pleasant day.. good not to have the strong winds today.

I haven't had a good start to the day. I was woken around 2am with really bad heart burnt. I did try and get back to sleep but that didn't work so got up. I tried many things to see if I could clear the blockage as I felt as if I was being choked. Nothing worked and it was getting much worse by 5am so ring the Heathline and they told me to ring a ambulance or go to the After Hour Surgery.

When the doctor saw me at the After Hour Surgery he said the penicillin tablets I have been taking can aggravate a Hiatus Hernia I have and I need to be on a different antibiotic. I had noticed the I was getting more reflux but after a hour it would go away so didn't think anything of it.

I was told if I can swallow at all to ring the ambulance. Also to get some liquid Galveston when the shops open. I sat up until John got up and I asked him to get me some. Then I went to get a few hours sleep. John arrived home around 11.30am and I took the Galveston. Sadly it hasn't really worked and I can't really eat anything. I did try and a little went down but was so painful I couldn't eat any more. I did manage a little green tea. Hopefully it will come right soon!

The garden was so dry I gave it some water.. when I noticed this Bumblebee going from flower to flower.

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