Reading day

Started the day with a walk to the doctors. It was a medication review but also my hip has been playing up again especially when I walk so that was on the list. Yesterday my good eye was so sore it felt like there was something in it, I bathed it several times which helped but today it is so sore underneath and keeps watering. I mentioned it to her but she said she only had 10 minutes and wouldn't have time to look at my eye! Jobsworth!!!!!!
Went into school for the first time since November was so disappointed lovely little Harry has left the school. I was told my readers would be different. One was the same then I had his twin brother which was nice, they are very different even though they look so alike I have always been able to tell the difference. I really enjoyed both sessions. Hopefully tomorrow my other year 1 boy will be well and in school.
I'm so pleased with my photo frames on the landing, thank you for the lovely comments I've now decided to put frames up the stairs so I made a trip to the Range. I've bought a few and will put my holiday pictures in them.

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