A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Well it rained. Oh boy did it rain. The first 12 miles or so were pretty much ankle deep in water! I really enjoyed it though and did almost exactly the time I thought I would do so I am very pleased. My Dad supported me all the way, from cooking me breakfast this morning to popping up at points during the race to offer encouragement. Here he is, very bravely putting his arm round a woman who has just run 36.5 miles! It was also great to see his friend Lyn who took the photo, having just finished work. Great timing by me! We are off to Lyn's Sconefest tomorrow, yum!

Thanks very much for all the good wishes yesterday. I will look forward to catching up with everyone tomorrow. For now I am off to the post run Ceilidh. Yep, only in Scotland would you take two of the most physically gruelling events possible and do them one after another.

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