Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Long Goodbye

This trip has been a long time in the planning, so when today actually arrived it was - well difficult. The house feels very empty in the first hour since we got back from Heathrow.

It was a very long day, all the packing and eating and last minute shopping ... It had a surreal quality to it. But he seems ready and up for it, and there comes a time when you just have to let them do what they want to do and hope they will be ok. TSM, Top Gun and Mr G and myself made the trip to the airport to see him off. First stop Melbourne, then Sydney, South East Asia, Canada and America. We had a hug and I whispered "stay safe, be good, have fun" - a slightly modified version of the mantra I gave all three of them when packing them off to school every day for years on end. 

On one level your kids never grow up; you always just want them to be happy. So it was today.

Good luck my son. Make it unforgettable ...

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