Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Muddy walk

Not sleeping too well still, which means that I'm sound asleep from about 5am - 9am or longer, if no dog walkers are coming at 10.30 (early!). Today was such a day, and I slept till about 10am.

Janet texted and invited us to meet her at the cafe at the Hermitage of Braid. It was sunny and pleasant on the walk, but it was SO muddy in places. In fact, we turned back before we reached the bridge where Archie likes to have a paddle. I was afraid of slipping. Besides, I was tired and ready for a bacon bap by then. The dogs were filthy, but ran around chasing each other and having a wonderful time.

They were washed off a bit in the river before we went into the cafe on the way back, where we had a catch up and refuelled. Then JR and Archie walked home, Janet and Bailey went to the Braidburn Valley Park, and I took the bus home.

The mystery of the missing bus passes has been solved. I rang them, and yes, both cards were delivered in November or December last year, so we have to surmise that the people in our old flat just didn't bother passing on our mail. We've had evidence before of this happening, when we got fined for having an out of date parking permit, which had also been sent to the old address, and cost us a £60! We're only a block away.

Archie got spruced up after his muddy walk, as Tracey (my physiotherapist) is coming round to meet him, with a view to taking him walkies at a later date.

We realise we've done it all wrong with letting him get all excited when his visitors come. We did have a phase of ignoring him, and asking visitors to ignore him till he was settled. But somehow, that went by the board when he started getting borrowers, as they love to be welcomed by him. A work in progress, he is.

I don't usually use a photo of him in his grubbiness, but this one will have to do today - but he's far enough away not to see just how grubby he is. This is not the walking path - it's on the level. He's clean and fluffy and snoring on the sofa beside me, but is about to spring into barking action when Tracey appears...

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