Mote Park (again)

Out in the local, much blipped, Mote Park this morning. The Lake had a thin veneer of mist over the rapidly melting ice which by all accounts was magical an hour or so earlier. A few minutes after this shot was taken the clouds parted, the sun came out for the remainder of the walk.

Towrds the end of the walk we called in at the allotment to collect the wheelbarrow so that we could sort out the compost bins at home. That was the afternoon's task. Empty one bin into the wheelbarrow and trundle it up to the allotment, spreading the rest around the garden, then come back and fork all the part made compost from the other bin over into the now empty bin.

Dinner was roasted winter vegetable with jewelled rice; parsnips and carrots from the allotment together with celeriac and sweet potato. And there's some good leeks for a soup in the week.

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