Testosterone and Teething

They both wear icecream pretty well, don't they!!

Up early (ish, by our current standards) as we had actual Things to Do and Places to Go today. Well - Steve was fixing stuff at the church offices, and the boys and I had a date with the supermarket.

After dropping Steve off at the offices I decided we'd attempt to get Ben some slippers before we started grocery shopping. That was fun. He chose a pair of Buzz Lightyear slippers, we found his size, took them to try them on (after tearing him away from all the other shoes that he wanted) and discovered to my horror that they were too small.

Too small?! I was sure he'd only recently been measured... So he got measured AGAIN and he HAS grown, although as we have previously discovered shoe sizes are not standard which is rather annoying. Sadly there were no size 8 Buzz Lightyear slippers. Spiderman however - there were size 8s! Which were, predictably, huge and looked like clown shoes on him. So he was happy with the size 7s. The lady on the till tried to find a barcode on his spidey trainers bless her, as Ben was still wearing the slippers...

This afternoon I have done cooking and laundry, showered and bathed the boys, finished the cooking and laundry, leant my camera out to a friend, had a lightbulb moment dealing with one of Ben's testosterone-fuelled rage moments, washed up, put the boys to bed, tidied up, done some more varients on a theme for a logo I'm designing, caught up on blogs and blips.

And now I am happy :)

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