Can you guess....

.... what flavour icecream we had when we went out today?!


Didn't think so!

It was half mint choc chip (very green) and half banana! Yum yum yum. We shared. It was good.

We went out to the miniature railway in Poynton this afternoon, with Gran and Grandad. Hardly any of the pictures I took came out any good, so I'm really glad that this one did because it made me laugh the most! We did enjoy that icecream ;o) We went on the mini railway and I only realised how tightly I was gripping the seat with my legs when we got off at the end and my legs were shaking. It went really quite fast! Ben sat between my legs and gripped hold of my arm but he loved it. He explored a big engine called Katie (meandmygirl I was thinking of you!!) and loved playing with all the handles and everything inside the cabin, and then also climbing on the engine itself aided by Grandad. Poor Gran's stomach was in her mouth as she kept thinking Ben was either going to fall off, or jump off without waiting for someone to catch him!!

Ben fell asleep in the car on the way home, as expected and as hoped, and had a good 45 minute sleep to help get him through the evening. We stayed at their house for tea and Ben got extra happiness when Aunty Ruth arrived home! Good times. Ben decided he was a dinosaur and roared very loudly at everyone making them all scream and laugh, and then proceeded to chase Aunty Ruth and Grandad around the house :o) He didn't want to go home but was very good about it, giving everybody cuddles and kisses to say goodbye. Even I got a hug and I was coming with him! He was evidently in a cuddly mood. But then we had to chase him around the front garden to get him to climb into the car ;o)

Got home, into his pyjamas, and it wasn't very long before he decided he was tired out and wanted to go to bed. Hurrah. My quest for a boy who begs to go to bed seems to be working!! He woke up a couple of hours later though while I was skyping Steve, came and had a cuddle while I said goodnight to Ste and is back in bed asleep again now. Where I should be. And where I shall be going in about 15 minutes - after I've checked blood sugar and had a slice of toast because I'm hungry again!! Typical :)

Gutted though, I won't be getting to see my blip-girlies tomorrow any more :( poorliness and potential poorliness has scuppered plans - I hope that meandmygirl's girl feels better soon, and that sweetdustybones does too! I'm going to take Ben out to the pottery cafe again though anyway, I have promised he can paint an aeroplane. And this time I won't be taking any motorbike toys for him to charge around with! The one we bought from the pound shop is breaking into pieces - it was not designed with Ben in mind, evidently. Although it has served its purpose. Sadly I expect Ben will remember this motorbike for a while yet and will probably ask where it is next time we come up. (It will be in the bin. I need to think up a convincing lie. Or tell the truth and deal with the consequences, but then it would be dealt with...)

Off to bed now. Goodnight blip world!

PS Apologies for serious lack of commently recently - I have barely had time to read any journals let alone comment.... Really hoping that being home next week will mean I can have a bit of a catchup!

PPS No "broken eye" for Ben today, am thinking it may well have been migraine. Like his dad - he gets them when he's really really tired. But we slept very well last night, both of us, and he's been ok today. Is breaking my heart a little bit every time I think of him telling me he's got a broken eye, just how many times he's said it over the past couple of months. Really hope things settle down soon and the broken eye goes away.

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