When I got home yesterday afternoon, there was a long box on the kitchen worktop - addressed to me.  When I opened it there was a beautiful bouquet of carnations with a card;  even before I opened the card, I knew it was from a Blip friend because she has sent me flowers before.  The card said “Happy Birthday and Happy New Year, Maureen, Love P.”  

The great thing about the Blip community is that people care - and it shows.  So thank you to my lovely Blip friend - and I really do hope that we meet up in 2017.  

I shall enjoy the flowers as they open fully and bloom and you know me, probably even when they are dying and after that, they will be consigned to the compost bin so will go on and on.

Couldn’t resist playing around with a shot of them for Abstract Thursday - and I have put a photograph in as an extra, although it doesn’t really do the flowers justice.

People are so kind and as I was reading my “Meet the Bible” book this morning, I was reminded that I need to be grateful for all I have been given and humble too.  It’s a beautiful day, so I am grateful for the sun, a loving family, good friends, a warm home and of course, Mr. HCB!  

I have also learned, from my other book, “A Year With My Camera” why I need to get the camera off Auto!  Just off to do some homework and then the dusting - I do have my priorities right!

“When we give cheerfully 
     and accept gratefully, 
          everyone is blessed.” 
Maya Angelou

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