We have some great young people in our church and often Christmas holidays are a good time to catch up with them. 

I met up today at Costa with Aaron and Kathryn, the son and daughter of our good friends, Howard and Lillieth.  

Aaron is at university in Bournemouth studying Forensic Investigation and things are going well for him. It was good to hear how his first term went - and after chatting about the academic work our chat turned to cooking - I even learned a good way to cook noodles, gleaned by him from one of his international friends - so thanks Aaron! 

Kathryn is studying for her A levels and her subjects are Archaeology, Classics and English Literature, which involves a great deal of reading but she says she is enjoying her courses. She is hoping to go to University next year too, so it was good to catch up with her - but with so much course work to do, we don't see her at church as often as she or we would like.  It was great to know that the little girl I taught to knit a few years ago, and who used to ring me in despair because she had "dropped a stitch" is now knitting presents for people!

I asked if they would mind being my Blip for today - and they graciously said that was fine - so here they are, smiling broadly - I love these two! Looking forward to catching up with them again at Easter. 

In other news, just got home and found the contents of our garage out on the drive.  Mr. HCB had found some mouse droppings near the bird seed, so had turned out the whole of the garage and is now in the process of putting it all back in there.  Guess I should go and help - he assures me there are no mice in the garage now - but if I see one, you won't see me for dust!

"We are not primary put on this earth
     to see through one another,
          but to see one another through."
Peter DeVries

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