Dog on Cold

What an adventure we are having as the weather started out sunny and has ended up snowing heaps.
We never get this type of weather in Wanaka so in a way this is quite exciting but I kno that many folk in countries that get chilly will not see it that way.
I really do need a jacket…Red would be nice as The Boss had me out while chasing deer which are seen (and were) around our friends house on the outskirts of Bend. 
Outside it is now snowing heavily but inside it is all cosy so the next couple of days might be inside ones.

Wiif…with a side order of shiver…..

Pawscript    Todays Extra.....Behind "S" and The Bosses's is the lovely gas fire which no-one else in the room gets to see including ME.

There seems to be a story here.


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