Clark Tales

By cclark



As you can read in the next post I have flown down to the Grandparents in London. Some bad news has hit the family about Grandad. I arrived the day before this picture was taken. On the 23rd after being with him all day, we forced my Nan to go out to a restaurant for a pre-planned meal with her friends, so my cousins and I went to the pub, leaving my Mum and her Sisters alone with their Dad. Important time for them and for us. P, R, Boy and I hit up Peckham's Rye Lane, of all places, for an ace night of much needed comic relief from the intensity of this time. 

P had left to head home before this picture was snapped, but after a few in John the Unicorn and some arcade games in the most amazing bar ever, Four Quarters, we had got a tad tipsy. P and R are my cousins, Boy being my brother,  but P and R can really only be referred to as my brothers, along with Boy. I love them to pieces. Never more than now. 

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