My "real classic"

We only went out after lunch to the library, to take back the dvd's that we borrowed  over the Christmas period. They had a nice break, as today was their first day back. I didn't know what I was going to blip, but on the way back, J said, you can take my photo if you want. I nearly fainted, as I have asked him so many times, and he hates having it taken. So,  not wanting to miss  such a rare photo opportunity,  I started to take his photo as soon as we got home. How murder wasn't committed, I will never know.   First of all, he said I didn't know how to handle the camera, then he didn't like the backdrop, in fact he used  every excuse you could think of. The more irate he got, the more I laughed, so then the camera shook, and there were tears  of laughter  running down my cheeks. These will probably be the only photos, EVER, you will see of J. Please make sure that all comments, are complimentary , as  he will be vetting all my replies only joking  see my extra as well.

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