Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Becky and Daniel came to take Archie out for the morning, JR popped into Bruntsfield (to find most shops closed), and I did a few tasks, slowly.

JR made a chocolate cake with fresh cherries on top for the new neighbours, but also one for us, so that was all right. We popped down the road to visit Rufus and his mum, dropping off the cake to delighted (but very tired looking) neighbours on the way.

And what fun we had. Bailey and her mum were there too, and we had an absolutely endless supply of tasty nibbles (and G&Ts) - they kept coming and coming! And After Eights to finish! I haven't had them for years. Love them.

Then Christine mentioned indoor fireworks and she and Janet began to reminisce about the fun they had with them when they were children. I have never heard of indoor fireworks! I never had any when I was a kid! Just the odd sparkler. I have had a deprived childhood!

But lo and behold, Christine had some of them, left over from years ago with her young nephews. So out came 'The Smoking Man', 'The Volcano', 'The Worm'. What fun. Archie was interested in the proceedings, Bailey was a bit scared, but Rufus couldn't give a stuff.

I took many photos of them all on the sofa with sparklers, but the chances of getting six faces still and in focus (on an iPhone) at the same time proved too slim.

Rufus had a smart new Christmas cushion thingie on the sofa, but wasn't using it, so Archie commandeered it when the pyrotechnics were over. Then Bailey joined him, which was unusual, because they don't normally lie down near each other - they're normally bickering. So it's a Rufus-less shot.

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