Oysters for breakfast

Nobody was sitting out in the sun today.....

We said goodbye to our garden paradise lodgings today and headed to Woodstock market at the Old Biscuit Mill.  I think that I have never seen such an impressive food market in my life.  And it was the kind of market where all the food is for immediate consumption. So there were people eating Malaysian, Argentinian, Indian, Japanese, South African, etc etc on the go.  And drinking cahmpagne with it.  So at 10.30am we were feeling a bit left out, so a half dozen oysters and a glass was bubbly was in order.  

People wandered in and out of the boho shops that were also in the market, with glasses of drinks in hand.  It was all very civilised and a true feast for the senses.  

A few jobs in town, off to our newest and nicest lodgings, this time a hotel for the next three days.  A very pleasant evening was spent with friends of coilinp in their house on the side of the mountain, and an incredible garden.  We were home and in bed well before midnight. 

Wishing all my blip friends all the best for the New Year.  

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