Snot real!

Snot real! Excuse the sick joke but after 3 days of a throbbing headache, mouth breathing, fatigue etc, my humour is even more warped than usual!

These items have been my constant companions the last few days and night and as I can't get out to blip, this is what you get!

I'm afraid to jinx things but think we both took a turn for the better this afternoon. Got my fingers and toes crossed.

I have spent all afternoon and evening colouring my thank you cards and so will be able to get them written tomorrow. Can't believe I haven't gotten them done already.

When I was a kid, my parents let us play with our Christmas toys to our hearts content on Christmas Day but come Boxing Day we were not allowed to play with our toys until our thank you notes were written. Do kids today even know what a thank you note is?!

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