
By SkiMe

Back Blip - Sour Apples

Tough choice for a photo today.  lol

Strange to be in the mountains at the end of December without any snow.  Feels something akin to growing up in the Appalachain Mountains where the norm is a strip of white man-made snow butter-knifed down the mountain. 

Only the taller rock outcroppings of the Dolomites gives away the difference.

We were feeling a bit off this morning and decided to have a walk in the woods instead, then lunch at a favorite restaurant and a late afternoon appointment to let the kids have another go on the horses.  Mr JC and I had a walk to the upper fields just before the sun went behind the near ridge (and to sneak an apple or two to the horses) while CC had her ride. 

I think the horse enjoyed this apple.  :)

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