At Last

This little bird is sitting on one of a couple of cast-iron lasts that we have outside. Lasts were used by cobblers and shoemakers for the manufacture and repair of shoes. 
Can anyone help me to identify this little chappy? I think it may be a mistle thrush but I'm not sure.
Yet another shot through the window. I've now been stuck indoors for a week, and am longing to get some fresh air but don't feel up to it. The cold air that I have felt on my journeys from car to various surgeries has really hurt my skin a lot, and I can't bear putting anything like a scarf on it. C was tucking me up on the sofa this afternoon and accidentally let the top of my very lightweight snuggle-blanket just touch onto my face and I did a vertical take-off.
I did manage a few hours sleep last night so that's got to be good.

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