I Can't make you love me, if you don't

The days in between Christmas and New Year are a waste.   I was going to go in to work, but I know I'm going to be busy, busy busy in the New Year, so I thought I'd take the holiday while I can.   But heavens, there are only so many Roses you can eat, and cups of tea you can drink. 

Today, I dragged myself out of my pitt before everyone else again, and came down and watched my choice of recorded programmes, and continued with the Betty Blue knitting.  It took me a record 8 attempts before I got the four needles in synch. 

By 2.45 I was in bed for a snooze having achieved absolutely nothing; so at 3.45 I dived out of the door before the sun disappeared and the light lost for the day. 

But bloody hell it was cold.   I ran from the car, wrapping my wrap tight round me and clamping my ear muffs firmly to the side of my head.   The cold bit right through me.  I had been cold all day, but this was immense. 

I sat on the wall for a minute or two, and decided sitting on cold wall was only going to make it worse, so I walked briskly across the sand towards the ice cold water.   Flipping Heck.  It was bitter. 

But look, the sun was massive in the sky, and I watched as it dipped below the horizon, every  moment was visible.  As I walked towards it, it fell lower and lower, 

And then it was gone. 

And I was still freezing. 

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