Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Lurking in the cotswolds ........

Well .... the particular antique shop I wanted to take Velvet frog to ended up being VERY over priced ... there were some lovely bits in the shop but we are wise so we went elsewhere and got better bargains ... we did have a coffee and a cake though and that was lovely .
Then we went to one of the barn antique places and I found plenty of 'stuff' ... then we went to ANOTHER barn antique place and I found more stuff... it's been a good day for vintage 'stuff'...
Velvet frog and I are now planning our visit to Europes biggest antiques emporium .. which as luck would have it is in North Lincolnshire ... owing to the fact VF lives in south Lincolnshire it's clearly a sign that we must get there ASAP ...

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