Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Boxing Day sex pest ...

Pepé ... ohhhh just because you are eyeless does not mean you can't violate poor Ozzy when ever you get the chance ... look at Ozzy .. look at his resigned look ... look at that dirty little git Pepé .. he's literally just been told off for trying to hump Oz AGAIN ..
Oz is wily though when he's at our house .. he nips off upstairs where he knows pepé can't go as since Pepé lost his sight he is now carried up and down the stairs ... so Oz takes his toys and his duvet and lies up out of the way !!
We've had a relaxing day .. well half a day .. Mr W and I lay in bed reading until midday .. a book each,we didn't share one ..then we took the pooches out for the walk ... this is usually when Pepé strikes .. in the boot of the car ... filthy little opportunist ;-)

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