My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Clacton on Sea

I've just spent a very enjoyable day with Marpaul and her sister and brother in law at Clacton.    The weather was wonderful, sunshine and wall to wall blue sky so we walked with Misty to Jaywick and back via the beach.   There were several dogs on the beach so Misty had a good time playing with them all whilst we took photographs and chatted.    
When we got back Marpaul's sister had put on a delicious lunch for us and after we had chatted some more it was all too soon to leave for  home.   A wrong turning out of Clacton took me through villages I hadn't heard of but I eventually made it to Colchester and found the A12 back home.  
I pulled up on my drive, went to reach for my handbag and realised that I had left it, along with my phone, at Clacton.   Without being able to contact them, I only have Marpaul's mobile number on my mobile phone, I drove back hoping that they hadn't gone out for the evening, fortunately they were in and were surprised to see me back so soon as no one had noticed my bag where I had left it in the kitchen.    After another cup of tea I retraced my way back home, a minor detour this time but one I was able to put right easily enough.   
A very enjoyable day with an ending that we had a good laugh about.

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