Watch the birdie

I did, but the birdie flew away before I was ready to get a photo!!

Today there's been more food, drink, merrymaking and a visit from my #1 daughter and two more grandchildrenadults.  Natasha and Lily are full of cold so they spent most of the afternoon under a duvet feeling a bit sorry for themselves*, whilst the rest of us had a jolly time. Then all too soon #1 daughter had to set off on the long journey back to Bristol to drop off her offspring and then finish her journey back up to Shropshire.  A long round trip - I hope it's a safe one especially as it's getting a bit parky outside now.

It's been lovely spending time with my family.  Off to Suffolk tomorrow to visit some of Mr T's.

*Extra:  N, L & B under the duvet (aka the 'lurgy' louts!)

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