It's Christmas!

Wow the children had a lie in this morning. We had to wake them up just after 8 as we were too excited to wait any longer!

We opened all our presents to each other this morning. The children loved all their new things but were way more excited by the mountain of wrapping paper. After a nice lazy breakfast we made our way to my brothers house.

More presents were opened then, we all had fun messing around with some photo props and a very silly, silly sausage game whilst waiting for lunch. A had some new wellies and wanted to play outside in the garden and the girls went upstairs to play with their new dolls. My brother did us proud and his Christmas dinner was delicious. We had roast gammon and A had a third helping! P thought the crackers were great and enjoyed reading out all the jokes.

This evening once back at home we were joined by G&G and uncle B. A was getting very tired and grumpy and P just wanted to play with the toys she had already opened this morning. We had a lite bite tea and got the kiddies to bed before catching up with the GBBO Christmas special.

I'm pooped this evening and have completely over indulged. It's been a fab day though and I wouldn't have changed a thing.

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