Scooting in the Wind

When Ella appeared to tell us Santa had been and her stocking was full of presents I assumed it was almost morning. A rather grumpy Mr C announced it was 2.15 am. Ella thought if Santa was still in the house delivering to her brother upstairs and heard she was awake, he might take her stocking back. So she was persuaded back to her own bed, after leaving her stocking got us to look after till morning. We got a bit more sleep - she appeared for the booty at 6.30 and lugged it upstairs to get into bed with her parents and little brother.

#2 daughter and family arrived later in the morning. Just as I was juggling with all the bits of Christmas dinner I had to direct the rest of them to cleaning stuff as Thomas had been sick on the carpet. Poor little boy looked very peaky (they thought it was with his coughing cold) but by the time we had sorted everything out he was able to join in and eat some dinner.

After that it was presents, followed by a run about outside. The weather was quite wild but Ella and James wanted to play on the scooters. Thomas and Nathaniel played with their cars.

They have had a lovely day, but I'm tired - Mr C and I are going to sleep in the camper van tonight!

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