Not a lot going on...

Another dull wet day, where is winter???

Took pooch out in a gap in the squalls. The distant flat grey sky merged with the horizon, sheets of rain making an impenetrable curtain across any sort of view - I knew I would have to look to the macro world for a blip.
This tree stump is a favourite sniffing point for P, as the first object in the centennial meadow I guess all the local dogs use it as a calling card.

Even from a distance the oyster fungi were hard to miss, but up close it was a real wonder of nature. I counted 7 different (visible) fungi - Angel Bonnets, Honey Fungus, Evernia and others too far gone to tell.
A bird, probably a woodpecker, possibly a Jay or a strong nuthatch has wedged a cone in the fork, to use as a vice whilst they remove the seeds. The far side of the stump had extensive woodpecker drilling - probably looking for larvae to eat.

I'm sure there was more to see - but then the heavens opened.

The extra would have been this year's Christmas card, but it didn't seem right with M's passing, but it made me smile at the time.

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