Car in da Stank

The winds eased a bit today, but it's still been breezy!  There's been a lot of wintery showers, and lying in areas. 

Another day on the front desk in the museum.  It was fairly quiet, as far as visitors went, but I've had a busy day setting up my unknown people exhibition in to Da Gadderie.  After tea, I went late night shopping with mam and nieces, followed with a cuppa at the Peerie Shop Café, then popped along mam's after.  Feet up now :)

At lunchtime, I could see snow on the hills looking north, so I hopped in the car, and went for a run.  The further north I got, the roads slowly got worse, but OK for driving.  I took a loop road into Weisdale, and back to work.  Someone hasn't been so lucky, and their car has slipped off the road and into the stank.  Hope no one has been hurt!  But a good reminder for me to take care!  Wonder if the snow will last for Christmas?  Taken near Upper Kergord, Weisdale. 

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