Shortest Day, Longest Voyage

The gales blew all night, but it didn't seem as windy today.  There's been showers of rain and sleet, and even thunder and lightning tonight.  The gales have picked up again tonight, wild out there!

I've been working all day down on the museum desk.  It was a steady day of visitors, and we also had a wake in the café in the afternoon.  After work, I had to pop along the vet with old Archie cat.  He's not been too well, but the vet thinks it's thyroid problems, as he is 18 now.  He's back home and happy, hopefully the blood tests will sort it.  After the vet, I dashed to work in the pub.  Finished early and snuggled on the sofa with Archie.

There's to be a lot of disruption to travelling to the Isles this next few days, both sea and air.  I watched the north boat head out early today, when I was on my lunch!  Up and down she went, with the waves crashing over, and this is the east coast, sheltered from the gales!  Glad I'm not on that thing!  The Hrossey passing the Holm of Helliness, Cunningsburgh, taken from the Clift hills. 

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