
By mamasuzi

Dim Riv

When I drove through town this lunchtime, after a mamoth 3 hour session with my boss tearing my fascinating report of yesterday apart, the Statsraad Lehmkuhl was laying at the pier. She is a three-masted barque rigged sail training vessel from Norway, and is truely a thing of beauty - all white and rigged out. But I couldn't find an angle to get a nice shot, and I was in a hurry, and I only had my phone, and the helpful harbour staff have cordoned off all the best bits of the peir, because members of the public can't be trusted not to go and fall in the water, don't you know (rant over).

So I settled for this shot of the Dim Riv which is a 'replica' viking longship. There's a much nicer one in Unst, but that is two islands away, and I wasn't passing. One day. I pondered the cropping, but finally settled for leaving a bit of background for perspective, because cropped close it just looked silly.

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