....and again!!

Sorry about that, I have taken the easy option (again).  Today's and the two previous blips are the same flower, 
Day one.... 50mm with one extension tube 13mm
Day two...  50mm with two extension tubes 13mm + 21mm
and today 50mm with three extension tubes 13mm + 21mm +. 31mm

A busy day, spent some time wrapping parcels and titivating with curly ribbins etc - they look so pretty.  
Then off to the nursery to get three plants that love dry and sun.....now planted.
To butcher to get the butterflied lamb which will be cooked on the BBQ
Back to the supermarket and to the bakery.
I reckon I'm about done now.....just need to get cream, cherries, you know the last minute stuff.
Wellington family arrive soon....excited.

And you can probably tell, I'm feeling so much better today - yesterday was weird, unexplained.  Thank you all for your concern :)


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